Saturday, January 12, 2013

I'm Back!

So, yes, I know its been awhile. I didn't how long until I looked at this blog and saw that my last post was Christmas of 2010! This blog was started to chronicle our transition into married life and living in Richmond. While married life is pretty awesome, that first year in Richmond was kind of shitty (to be quiet honesty. But, by year two, I had weeded out most of the crap that I had gotten into in year one and had some pretty awesome folks in my life. I was having a lot of fun and business was booming. Thats why you will have to excuse my 2 year hiatus. 

The best thing of 2011 was probably getting hitched to the dude, I can't really think of anything else right now. You can check out the recap of 2012 here. It made me happy to see how many things had really turned around last year. Grab a cup of coffee and check that out. I warn you, its not short, but its good. 

Late last year, I started a new venture with the business coaching program Money Making Makeup Artist and that is going great. I got approved to be a YouTube partner so I got to make my channel all pretty. Do me a favor and go on over there and subscribe and watch a few videos, share the on Facebook and Twitter and give them a thumbs up. It would just take a quick second and mean a whole lot to me. I need to get some more eyeballs over there stat! Go here now!

Now that I am back on track and so many good things are happening, I am back to organized goal setting. I tried this thing in December, where I made a video of my December goals to see if that will help me make sure to do them. I figured if I put it out there and had to report back in January, which new goals and December's progress, that a fire would be lit under me to make things happen. See December here and January here. 

I would love for you to play this game with me. Share your goals, on any of the blogs (Emily Hudspeth, here or Money Making Makeup Artist) where I post about the goals or on the YouTube channel under the video itself. Posting it to the YouTube video would be my preference but i really don't care as long as you play. Tell me what your goals are and how we can help. I swear the accountability will get you going! Report back and let me know how you did. 

That brings me to what I did in December, granted I think I completed it December 30 or 31 but it was done in the month that I said I would do it in, so that makes me happy. I made my DIY head board project and here is the step by step for how I did it.

First, this was our starting point. No color, very institutional, don't you think? Our old bedroom was black/white/silver, so there are lamps and curtains and prints on the walls. We wanted an update, something fun. Something new. 

We moved into our first home (as official homeowners) in September. We have this little shed thingee on the side of the house for storage, which is nice. However, it was apparently where random pieces of wood (like a collection of several past owners dining table leaves!) went to die. Because I am a proud product of my mother, I can't dispose of anything that can be put to use. Especially when it can be used for crafting. The dude of the house, was getting really frustrated because I swore I could do something with that so he couldn't throw it out. Time to put my money where my mouth was.....

One rocking Saturday night, we headed out to Joanne Fabrics to get our supplies. This is the dude, supervising the lady working at Joanne Fabrics. I know it looks like a Michael Jackson impersonator, but no, its the dude.

We really scored because the fabric was on sale (15% off I think) and then the dude really pleased me when he whipped out his iPhone and scored us another coupon on top of that. I am teaching him well. This fabric and the batting I got to put under it, was only $68! That also included the Cadbury egg that I   picked up last minute at the register. A girl's got to celebrate these little victories!
I borrowed this staple gun from my bff, Casey. What  badass, a chick with her own staple gun!?!?! I've got to get one of these myself. It was really empowering. The dude went to Lowe's/Home Depot and got the appropriate sized staples. Those were just a couple of bucks so our total budget for this entire project is about $70.
  It as a beautiful day! Sunny and like 60. We pulled out the first of these 3 wood panels and got to work! Step one, cover it in the batting.

Next was the fabric, which I will tell you that you should iron it before you start. As soon as I pulled it out of the bag, I noticed that it had big creases in it from being folded overnight, so I had to run upstairs and press it to perfection. Then, we return to the scene to place the fabric over the batting.
I stretched the fabric tight (make sure that your patterns are straight!) and had my handsome assistant staple it to the board. So quick and easy!
I have to admit that we stood this first one up and Jeff immediately said, "uh, oh, I hope its not too tall?". I had never thought of that! We had the measurements to get the fabric cut properly. And we had been so worried about which of the boards in our storage unit would be best to pick from, based on the width, but I figured if they fit in the storage unit, we would be fine. We brought it in the house and it was about 2 inches too tall to fit floor to ceiling in the kitchen. I tried not to panic and said that we should take it upstairs because I thought the ceilings were higher up there. 

*Truthfully, I didn't think this, but I was praying that it was a possibility. Aren't ceilings usually taller downstairs? 

Well, luck be a lady, it fit PERFECTLY floor to ceiling. If it had been a 1/2 inch taller, we would have been out of luck! So we got the first one finished and knew it would fit, score! Then we went down to the deck to quickly finish the last two. What do you think? 

 Lamps and curtains will be added, I just have to shop for the perfect ones. What do you think? Less hospital/institutional? Not bad for less than $70 and getting some of that wood out of the shed! I am pleased. That inspired me to keep going with my goal videos, it must be working.

Oh, and bringing back to the goal videos.  Adding the occasional (monthly at least, not every few years!) post to this blog was part of my January list. I have been saying that I would bring it back for like a year! Let me know what you think, I could really use some encouragement to keep it up. So, let me know if you think it is fun and I will be sure to keep going!

this chick

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