About two weeks ago, this guy connects with me via twitter and asks "@emilyhudspeth can I talk to you about participating in my #100portraits project? http://www.100portraits100days.com/ "
Sounded interesting so I said yes and he should email me so we can talk about it. At this point, I am thinking he wants me to do my usual role in a photo shoot. Typically, I arrive and do hair and makeup for the models. Sometimes I assist with wardrobe and stay on set to transition the model to a second look.
Chris contacted me and told me more about his project and I looked at his website and checked out this 100 days project. Now I get it. He wants me to be one of his 100 portraits, pretty cool. This is really taking me out of my comfort zone, see I am a behind the scenes gal. However, the project has me interested. I even see some familiar faces.
Now that I know what the project is, I say yes and we roughly schedule me in for a few days before Christmas, Thursday I think. That morning I am set to be #64. Just before I talk to Chris, I check to see who was #63. She has fire twirling hula hoops! How cool is that! No pressure or anything, but you are following the awesome fire hoop chick.
Chris calls me to set up a time and a few hours later he arrives right on schedule. Now this is my first encounter with him, we introduce ourselves and get right to setting up this shoot. I am so nervous. I mean, I am really in panic mode. The pressure is on. I tell Chris that I am a new gal to Richmond and I really appreciate him inviting me to be a part of the project. I also tell him that it is really important to me that this photo be "very me", meaning that I wanted people to look at the photo and say now that girl looks like alot of fun, she looks nice and like a fabulous hair/makeup artist. No pressure, Chris.
We pull out my giant kit for hair and makeup and Chris sets up table. He gave me great direction and even though I had so much anxiety leading up to the shoot, he really calmed me down and in a matter of minutes we had a few good shots.
That is the sign of a good photographer. They come in and get the job done. It took more time to set up and break down that it took to get a handful of good shots. Impressive.
Then, we start to have a little fun. Okay, we accomplished what we set out to do. Now, he tells me just pick up that mirror and pretend to do your hair and makeup. Now that I am relaxed and the pressure is off, the real me comes out. We laugh when he shows me the camera and I say, "yep, thats me!".
Emily Hudspeth: really serious about hair and makeup but pretty fun to work with.
So this is me. Number 64 in 100 portaits.100 days by Chris Owens Photo